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Simple tips and tech to stay safe and secure online-Internet has become a basic necessity today. People use it to fulfill all their requirements, personal as well as professional. Businesses also use internet to maintain the flow of operations. Though its use has made lives easy and better but there are some risks associated to it. If you are an avid internet user, you need to educate yourself about these risks to keep yourself save from online fraud. It is unsafe as hackers can hack your account and take information. Internet risks like virus, spyware, phishing, etc. can harm your personal information and can also destroy your computer. Thus, you should try to be safe while sharing any information, downloading files, doing online payment etc.

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Simple tips and tech to stay safe and secure online

Below discussed are some tips that can help you in availing the online services safely.

Use of complex passwords – Avoid using simple passwords as hackers can easily steal your personal information. Use difficult and unique passwords while logging in any account.  It is suggested to use a password that has a special symbol, one alphabet and one number. Also, make sure to make different passwords for different platforms.

Avoid sharing information – You should not share any information regarding your account details, pin code, etc. on random websites as there are many fraudsters operating the website to steal the personal data. When using public Wi-fi, you need to be more alert as they are more prone to hacking.

Privacy on social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp are those sites using which you share your photos, thoughts to your relatives and friends. Sometimes you don’t know who is trustworthy, genuine or not and you add the person on social media and share your personal stuff. To avoid misuse of your personal details, you should manage your privacy settings on the platform. Also, avoid adding unknown people to your friend list.

Simple tips and tech to stay safe and secure onlin

Use smartphone for payment – You should avoid swiping the card for payment. These takes place generally while shopping online, use cash payment or make payment from online wallets like Google pay, Paytm etc. instead of using card payment.

Install Antivirus – the common way that hackers use for getting into your system is a virus. These viruses can get into your system, if you click on any suspicious link. To avoid any such attack, you should install anti-virus. You can also add firewall protection to prevent anyone from hacking into your system.



8 brilliant podcasts for motivation, fitness and health. Health, fitness and motivation are very important and much discussed topics nowadays. This is because it is very difficult in the modern fast paced times surrounded by technology to take time for aligning these three. All sorts of mismanagement and ailments arise through a lack of any of the three in life. This is why a number of influencers and lifestyle experts are coming forward raising this issue simultaneously in their content. Their best source of reaching to the world is podcasts, which people can listen to while working, driving or doing any of the odd jobs of their lives. Here are eight special podcasts on these topics.

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The school of greatness

Motivation and guidance is required in almost every field of personal or professional Endeavour. This podcast by Lewis Howes known as the school of greatness is of great help in these issues. It can show ways to come out of sticky ends in life as well as provide an extra mile of confidence to achieve the next targeted greatness.

Optimal Health Daily

Fitness not always implies what to do, instead it also comprises of what to refrain from. In. This podcast Optimal Health Daily provides daily set of comprehensive information about ingredients, chemicals, do’s and don’ts for health purposes.

The science of success

This is a psychology based podcasts which is hosted by Matt Bodnar. It invites insights from neuropsychologists, negotiators for FBI hostage and renowned gurus to inform more about the mindset and its working patterns.

Ali on the run

This show is easily one of the favorites of fitness lovers and runners. The subscribers receive some motivation, insights and words of wisdom from the host. It can easily motivate for working hard and breaking previous records.

TED talks health

The show addresses to some of the hottest questions upon health. It provides detailed information on each and every discussed topic and allows insights from some of the most renowned doctors and researchers.


The happier podcast

Happy living is the key to healthy living. As such this podcast, known as The happier podcast helps in addressing the habits and daily lifestyle patterns that play a key role in improving happiness quotient in life.


This is the best podcast for fitness lovers who like to hit the gym every time they stand in the face of stress and adversities. It shares stories of people with common challenges and how they incorporate fitness and wellness while combating them.

The good life project

This podcast is the best in turning some private conversations into life inspiring sessions. It brings in some of the well knows personalities of the world and get an insight on their inner self and their stand on making the best of happiness in their lives.



Top 3 Essential gadgets for students in 2019– Nowadays students and their studies are moving towards the technical side involving smart study plans and ideas. schools and colleges comes up with the new and advanced tech devices like smart boards and other facilities to make students interested towards the topics and for better understanding in the classroom. The visualizations can be remembered for a longer time than compared to text. Thus, many students learn their subject and related topics by watching videos online. Today, every student can get the solution to any problem by just a few clicks. However, there are few essential gadgets for students that will make their studies more interesting and easy. Some of them are as follows.

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Kindle fire 7 – kindle fire 7 is a great gadget and is very popular among school and college students. No one likes to write the long notes of each subject thus this gadget will make you free from all the notes and you can easily download the sample of important questions within no time. You can also save your extra cash by downloading the books of each subject available on kindle and read them whenever you want. You don’t have to maintain the bulky files of important notes and highlighted pages in your books as you can easily store your large amount of data in this device and easily access it. This device makes it easy to study while you are traveling and you can also download various other educational apps which can widen up you thinking power.

Top 3 Essential gadgets for students in 2019

Portable photo printers – portable photo printers are very useful gadget for students in 2019. These are very trending as they are wireless and works on the wifi and Bluetooth. If you want to complete any assignment or project urgently, these printers will be a great rescue for you. You can easily operate them by just connecting your phone to the printers and then print the pictures you want to. This is a very quick process and you can also printout your memories and create a collage for your room by those pictures.

Top 3 Essential gadgets for students in 2019 printer

Noise cancellation headphones – there are times when you have your exams or test next day and your neighbors are having late night party with loud music. This can distract you. Thus, noise cancellation headphones also come under the most essential gadgets for students as they cancel the extra noise which can disturb you while you are studying. These headphones are also very useful in relaxing your mood as they produce good sound quality when you are listening to your favorite song.



Smartphone usage and its impact on life is an excellent idea to talk about. None can imagine life without smartphone. Smartphone is a part of our daily life now-days. People start their days with smartphone and end with smartphone. Yes, smartphone make life somehow easy. Smartphone is essential in to-days digital age . Pay utility bills, online booking, Fund transfer, Voice calling through smartphone becomes very easy. Now-a-days we can easily reach any destination through GPS using smartphone.

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Online chatting, online shopping, sharing movements are handy while having smartphone. People was using Walkman to listen music. Now Walkman disappear is disappeared from market.  Digital camera replace roll camera and finally smartphone replaces digital camera. Now cheapest video voice calls minimizes the distance and kept the relationship intact.

Apple like smartphone manufacturer playing big roll in USA economy.  When apple, Samsung launch new model people stand in queue to buy the same. Due to Smartphone many software development company earning by developing various apps. People also earning by repairing these phones.

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Is there any disadvantage of smartphone ? yes, medical review says using smartphone extremely damages nerve by its radiation. Continuous using of smartphone weaken the eyes. Palm holding capacity also gets reduced.  These are medical issue.

Let’s look at some social  problems arise while using smartphone. Teenagers seem always busy in smartphone. They forget their parents and their grand parents who are always expecting something from them. People are busy to chat with other on smartphone but don’t have time to talk to family members. Thus the importance of relationship seems lost.

Smartphone is wonderful but use wisely.

By – Sneh

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Basically, the term technology means “science and knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools”. Refer the link for the meaning of virtual reality

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Simply we can say that virtual reality means images created by a computer that appear to surround the person looking at them and seem almost real.

It incorporates mainly auditory and visual feedback but may also allow other types of sensory feedback. This immersive environment can be similar to the real world or it can be fantastical.

Let’s know the working of virtual reality. The primary subject of virtual reality is stimulating the vision. Every headset aims to perfect their approach to creating an immersive 3D environment. Each virtual reality headset puts up a screen (or two – one for each eye) in front of eyes, thus eliminating any interaction with the real world.

Previously virtual reality was generally associated only with the gaming industry. Now it’s on fire with the new opportunities for use. Following are some of its uses: –

  •  Recruitment and training: – Some companies are now recruiting and training their workforce by using virtual reality that engages the employees in seemingly real work challenges and scenarios.
  •  Work collaboration in the workplace: – Some companies have embraced virtual sharing to allow personnel to collaborate on assignments without relocating to one physical location.
  •  Creating ideas and forecasting trends: – Virtual reality allows businesses to come up with fresh ideas and perform tests before implementing them in the actual environment.
  •  Pain management: – Uses of virtual reality in medicine are widespread. When patients wear virtual reality headsets, the technology is used to distract their brain and confuse the pain pathway by drawing their minds from the suffering.

Virtual reality applications examples are numerous and are not limited to the limited descriptions above.

Some popular virtual reality games are beat saber, Arizona sunshine, farpoint, robo recall, the lab, etc.

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