5 fab summer garden activities for kids
5 fab summer garden activities for kids – No kid is going to love gardening if you force him to do it but if you make those activities fun or challenge him to something then you might find him eagerly doing the job. Give them goals, set some kind of reward for it. Just make it more fun and enjoyable for the kids. You can also develop good thinking in them by making them to do different gardening activities. If there is no such idea coming to your mind then here is a list for you from which you can select an idea you feel like would be good for your kids.
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Grow plants in the bottle
It is a creative and easy way to grow some plant in a plastic bottle or in a jar. Let’s take bean plant for example. You are going to need an empty jar with cotton balls and a dry bean for it. Make your kid wet the cotton balls and place them in the glass or plastic jar. You can also get the walls of the jar be wedged in order to make your kid see the growth of the bean. Then you can make your kid observe the growth of the bean. Make him predict what will happen next. You must make him water the cotton whenever it is needed. In 3 days only, the bean seed will start growing into a plant.

Make mini garden with egg shells
Another great garden activity that you can make your kids to do is using egg for different activities of garden. Eggs are full of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Their eggshells can be used in different ways for gardening. These shells are made of calcium carbonate which can be a very good fertilizer. You can make your kids dispose these eggshells in the soil of the garden which will be very good for the plants. Don’t worry as these shells decompose very quickly in the soil. Along with fertilizers, they are good pest deterrent as well.

Plant trees in some of toys: What will be more fun for a kid to use his toys for gardening? It will become a total play for your kid. Toys like toy truck can be a good pot to grow plants for your kid. Here is how you can turn a toy truck into a movable garden. First of all, you need to lay stones in a small layer for drainage. If you want to make it better then you can prefer using charcoal over it. Then you need to put a thick layer of potting soil in it. Then you can plan some trees in it. Some bush species would be better. It not only looks nice but your kid can also play with it as it will not harm it in any way.
Give Lego planting project to your kids: Your kid must have played with Lego and if he gets bored of it then you can tell him this idea. You can tell him that he can use it for gardening and can make new stories out of them. You need to get a cactus plant or mini succulents for it. First of all, you need to decide how big you want the plant to be then, choose the planter accordingly for it. You can vary its size using different legos. Once you have decided the size then add soil to it and root the plant. It will surely look great.
Make a mini greenhouse: Here is how can teach your kids better about the greenhouse effect. If there is some area left behind the sink in your kitchen then it is great to make it your green house. Your kids are surely going to love watching these plants grow.
Another method of growing a plant in mini greenhouse is by taking two clear cups. Turn one of them upside down and fill soil and seeds in the other one. Pinch three small holes on the flipped glass to make it a green house for the plant.