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Happy Parenting : I just feel nowadays, we need to change our parenting skills. Children of new generation are not the same as the previous generation. You just must take the values and ethics from the ancient times and put it into your child in a different pattern. Let me tell you what I feel about the modern-day parenting.
If I would share my experience with you, I have a 15-year-old daughter. She has so many friends but still I’ve managed to become her best friend and she managed to become mine. I’ve started competing with her in learning the answers/ reading the chapters. I go shopping with her, chit chat a little with her, talk about my school times with her and trust me she enjoys a lot and so do I.

Even if it’s late, I realised that the best way to know in and out about your child is becoming his/her best friend.
Use your intuition to raise your child. I would like to tell you that there are no fixed rules or steps which are needed to be followed in parenting. Every individual is a different parent and so is every child. Tailor your parenting techniques keeping in mind, both, what suits you and what your child needs. Keep your child’s interest in mind but stay alert and very careful not to fall in the trap of helicopter parenting.
Make some time everyday to spend with your little one. It can be anywhere, like in your bedroom, parks, beaches and have a conversation with him/her. I personally feel this is a master tip among all the tips. By communicating, you get to know your child much better in many ways. I make sure to take my daughter to a park daily and we sit there for almost 30 to 45 minutes. We have conversations regarding her friends, teachers, sports, latest trends, etc. which is again so much fun to do.

Those 30 mins are the most relaxing ones in my entire day. You can also make this time very productive by teaching her values, ethics, manners, difference between wrong and right, discipline, respect etc. If my daughter does something wrong or behaves in an inappropriate manner, this time becomes the perfect time for me to make her understand and realise about her mistake. Yelling and shouting at their mistakes doesn’t work these days.
Now this is again a very big mistake which we as parents make. It’s high time to understand that every child is meant differently, has inherited different traits and qualities of different parents. Latest studies have proved it that comparing your child leaves a bad impact on him/her. Let me share a story of my neighbour Shamita and her daughter Diya.
Diya and one of her cousins were preparing for an IIT entrance test. Unfortunately, Diya could not clear it even after 2 attempts, but her cousin did it at once. Her parents started comparing her with her cousin. Their every conversation would end up comparing both the kids. As a result, Diya went into depression, and totally lost herself confidence. She became very unconfident about her decisions. She required a medical help to recover from that phase of her life.
We as parents always want the best to happen in our child’s life, but this method of comparing children is clearly not working nowadays because the repercussions are very bad. Nowadays, it has become the most dangerous step towards raising a child.

My daughter loves it when I give her a hug or cuddle her. She respects me to another level, and this is what makes our bond so strong. Being a child, he/she cannot understand your feelings without being expressed. His/her mind is not yet developed much to understand the unexpressed thing. As a result, he/she will not be aware of your love for your child (regardless of how deeply you love him/her)
Parenting is not such a small topic to be discussed, rather, it is a very huge and important chapter in our lives which needs to be discussed in a huge crowd. The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it difficult. But keeping your precious time in mind, I would like to end this conversation here. Hope it becomes a helpful and useful content for you all. And last but not the least, I want to wish you “HAPPY PARENTING”. Author – Ritisha Jain
3 ways to keep the kids happy at home – Many things make a kid happy and it completely depends on their parents. Only parents can help their child to find happiness in their life and for this, they will have to give little extra efforts. In vacations, kids often get bored while staying at home because they don’t have any creativity to do. So, being a responsible parent you can help them to get out from this boring situation. You should pay attention to your kids when they are saying or want to discuss something. Behave like their friends instead of being a parent as it is the best way in which you can understand their needs. There are different things you can do for your kids:
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1) Bring home a four-legged friend: Your kids may miss their friends while staying at home and may get bored without having fun. So to add fun in their vacations you can bring a pet at home. Pets will keep them engaged as they will play with them like friends. Through them you kids can learn the lesson of empathy, loyalty and their love and attachment for animals will also increase. Pets help your kids to make them feel valued as well as competent.

2) Painting and art craftwork: The best way to engage with your kids is doing art and craftwork. It encourages them to learn new things. You can help them in making drawing and in paintings. Teach them about different colors and also help them to make crafts using the materials available at home. This way, they will learn how to reuse things. Sometimes, you can behave as their competent and tell them those who win will get rewards which will make your kids enthusiastic to win. You can also give puzzles to solve which will increase their mental capacity.
3) Planting trees in your garden area: Tell them about the importance of planting trees and make them aware of global warming. It will help to become responsible for the environment. So, bring the seedlings and teach them step by step process to plant the trees. You can tell your kids that the seedlings you are planting today are going to give you fruits in the future. This will increase their enthusiasm and they will take care of them by watering them regularly which will keep them engage and will also add fun to their daily activity.

10 things you can do to reduce stress. With increasing competitions and challenges in life, we don’t realize the amount of stress we put on ourselves. The constant running to achieve something or the other all the time puts a lot of pressure on us. But if we are not careful, too much strain on us can lead to major physical and mental health issues for us. So, it’s important that we learn to release our stress from time to time by doing some small remedies.
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Listed here are 10 things that you can do to reduce your stress-
- Meditation – It has proved to be a very effective method to release your stress. There are many different ways of meditation like guided imagery, in which you imagine a happy place and visit there to calm yourself; or mindfulness, in which you live in the moment and take in your surroundings by focusing on them. You can refer here further for medication.
- Improving your lifestyle – You can improve your lifestyle by making small changes that will help you in the long run. These may include sleeping and waking up at a fixed time; eliminating junk food and including a more healthy diet; doing yoga or exercising; reducing caffeine intake.
- Leisure time activity – Find some time for your hobbies. It can be anything that you love doing. This will take your mind away from the daily work and make you feel satisfied and happy.
- Self-talk – This is also one of the most effective ways to reduce our stress. Talking and analyzing yourself is a great way for self-improvement because nothing is better than “expert advice”. But make sure that it should be a positive talk and not a negative one, else you would be feeling even more stressed out than before.
- Aromatherapy – You don’t need to spend money for this. Just light some scented candles in your room and play some light music. You will find that you will feel fresh and positive after this therapy.
- Family and friends – Spend quality time with your loved ones. Nothing beats a bear hug from a loved one. You will forget all the tension when you see smiles on their faces.
- Chew gum – If you are at a place where you can’t do much activity to reduce your stress, you can chew gum. It has been proved that people who chew gum tend to get less stressed, as it increases blood flow to the brain.
- Supplements – You can always take supplements prescribed by the doctors. Although, it is an effective method but don’t overdose yourself and keep it as the last option.
- Don’t agree to everything – Understand the fact that you are a human and not a machine. If you are not comfortable doing something, you should deny doing it. This will ensure your self-worth and boost up your confidence.
- Enjoy your life – The best way that you can reduce stress is enjoying whatever you do. If you don’t find peace in doing something, you should not continue it for a long time.
Lend me a hand, I was on my way to a Holy shrine to offer prayers to our deity, hands full of offerings, flowers, fruits, sweets and money for donation.
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I did everything to please God . On my way back suddenly I saw two tiny hands before me, asking for money. There was a small girl who wanted to have some milk. I turned and looked back at the shrine where I made the offerings and thought of the idol over there. God has everything, why do we return him ? when there are so many hungry mouths all around us. Why not feed hundreds of starving children, cover their bare bodies, donate money for their education.

Why to spend hundreds on the donation boxes, grand celebrations, costly offerings for the so called status. Have we ever thought of sharing food with a poor child at the roadside tea stall ? And see God in these tiny hands so that next time when you lend a helping hand to a needy person, that place will be the shrine. The person almighty and your help would be the greatest offerings you made and his blessings shall be a path for heaven .
–By Debarati
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The essence of Smile should be a part of everyone’s life .
Once I heard the story of a little boy who was in search of God . On the way he met an old hungry woman and spent the whole day with her.
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He shared his food with her and brought a lovely smile on her face. He returned home and told his mother that I met God , had lunch with her and she is having the most beautiful smile.
So friends a smile can change everything, give to the world and the world will give back to you. A good smile cuts through all social barriers makes us feel happy wanted and loved.
When you feel lonely or depressed, a simple smile from anyone can make you feel better, reduce your stress. A smile builds faster relationship ,releases chemical hormones which makes us feel better. There is a strong link between good health, longevity and smiling. The human immune system functions more effectively .
Smiling changes brain chemistry, a big help to people who are dealing with depression and anxiety.It reveals inner joy. So exhibit it,share it ,spread happiness and make the world a better place to live in. Start your day by giving a beautiful smile to others and believe me you will end up with a lovely smile given to you by others.

And Keep smiling
—By Debarati
Let’s first talk about true self. So, what is the actual meaning of true self?
The true self is the core of you, the original you, unshaped by upbringing or society. This is the state you were born in and it is the state that still exists inside you. I know you might be thinking that does it means that we have to regress back to our childhood. If you think so, then the answer is NO!
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This is so because, as you have grown physically, your true self has grown too. However, it is usually strongly guarded by the false self and, at first, might be difficult to reach.
Now, the question arises that what is false self?
Your false self can also be called your adapted self. This is that part of you that has altered behaviour, repressed feelings and has pushed your needs aside to fit in with others.
Let’s take an example to make this concept more clear. Take the example of onions. Imagine people are like onions. At the centre lies our true self, surrounded by layers we have developed through our lives as protection. These layers are our false self. The centre of the onion needs these protective layers to be able to survive.
False self is a misconception created by the society and the people. It is very important to find our true self. This might seem unrealistic and abstract, but this is the true essence of life. Following a small extract for false self:
If I am pretty, I will be more likeable.
If I have a lot of money, I am successful.
If I work hard or achieve more, I will have more value.
One glass of wine, and I’ll start feeling better.
