Grapes, a wonderful fruit
Grapes , a wonderful fruit on earth. Juicy and sweet. Just pick and Eat. It is found all around the world, in different shapes and tests. France is the leading producer of world famous grapes in Europe . Champagne, the world famous wine produced by France. Champagne region of France specially cultivate grapes for this delicious wine. Grapes itself has lots of health benefits.
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- It is helpful for weight management.
- It is anti-inflammatory food.
- It is good for Heart that helps to prevent cardiac attack. Also help us to reduce risk of diabetes.
- It keeps your skin healthy.
- It is also beneficial to prevent few kinds of cancer.
wine has a very old history and mentioned this word in many places in Bible.
Black grapes used to produce Red Wine and Green grapes used to White Wine. Many travelers like to visit grapes wine yard
and enjoy seeing wine making process.
content in Grapes: 100 gm of grapes contain 67 calories, Cholesterol :
0 mg, Sodium : 2 mg, Potassium : 191 mg, Total cholesterol : 17 g with Vitamin
-A, vitamin -D and Calcium and Dietary fiber. – By SNEH